onsdag 29. november 2017

Dear you

Dear you who sits down with your face went down, afraid of someone is going to see how tired you are of fighting.

Dear you who gets kick up and spitted on at school just because you are yourself.

Dear you who lost someone that stood you so close that it felt like you lost yourself too.

Dear you who doesn`t feel like you have someone standing close too you. 

Dear you who thinks everybody else is much prettier and better human beings. 

Dear you who thinks pain is what you deserve or your only way out of everyday struggles.

Dear you who is afraid of coming out of the closet.

Dear you who have been exposed too rape/ violence or harassment.

Dear you

Dear me

Dear us

You are not alone
Keep fighting
It get`s better
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2 kommentarer:

To my seven year old self

If i met my seven year old self today, What wold i tell her, what would I say? Would i warn her of the future, of the bad things yet to com...